Hyper-technology continues to accelerate our pace of living. Mobile phones in particular have become an extension of modern man, an all-in-one cybernetic device embodying our lives and needs. However this technology fed by consumerism and culture, is increasingly disconnecting and de-humanising society. Nuanced values and individualism are diminishing, leading to a dystopian existence. Change is necessary at a time of ecological and social crisis. But is it realistic to defuture a society that has become so reliant and attached to their portable device; a technology that on the one hand connects us instantaneously to the virtual world but on the other isolates us from the real one? I'm a self-employed Web/User Interface designer. My work includes designing websites, user interfaces for apps and portals, as well as developing them to realisation. I also consult customers with SEO & Best Practice to boost sales and conversions. Having been in the industry for 18 years, I've s...